Dr. Amal Darwish (OL Cambridge G1) – M
By G- Teacher
Categories: Bio-May/June
Course Content
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00:58 -
Teacher’s Data & Orientation
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02-09-2024 [1xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [1xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [1xBioMOLCG1]
06-09-2024 [2xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [2xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [2xBioMOLCG1]
09-09-2024 [3xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [3xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [3xBioMOLCG1]
02:12:02 -
Practice Session ( Monday 09-09-2024 at 9:00 PM )
02:03:44 -
Worksheet : Binomial Naming System & Evolutionary Trees
Shooting Towards the A*- 2
13-09-2024 [4xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [4xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [4xBioMOLCG1]
02:21:01 -
Sorting Life Notes
Shooting Towards the A* -3
Classified paper 2 & paper 4 Submissions
16-09-2024 [5xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [5xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [5xBioMOLCG1]
02:06:39 -
Practice Session ( Monday 16-09-2024 at 9:00 PM )
02:12:00 -
Paper 6 Drawing Classified HW1
Class 1: Paper 6 Atlas (CW1)
Paper 4 & 2: Classification
Shooting Towards the A*- 4
20-09-2024 [6xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [6xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [6xBioMOLCG1]
02:26:29 -
Classified HW Submission Paper 4 and paper 2
23-09-2024 [7xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [7xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [7xBioMOLCG1]
02:08:04 -
Practice Session ( Monday 23-09-2024 at 9:00 PM )
01:35:26 -
P6 HW Classification
Video1 P6
P6 Atlas [2]
Classification All Classified Paper 4 &2
Classification P4 & 2 mark scheme
Shooting Towards the A* – 5
27-09-2024 [8xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [8xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [8xBioMOLCG1]
02:13:12 -
Paper 4
Paper 6
Paper 2
Cells Sorting Life ms
30-09-2024 [9xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [9xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [9xBioMOLCG1]
02:02:09 -
Practice Session ( Monday 30-09-2024 at 9:00 PM )
01:16:39 -
Shooting Towards the A* – 6
04-10-2024 [10xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [10xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [10xBioMOLCG1]
07-10-2024 [11xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [11xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [11xBioMOLCG1]
02:27:31 -
Practice Session ( Monday 07-10-2024 at 9:00 PM )
01:12:20 -
P2 and 4
P2 and 4 Movement in and out of cells ms
Shooting Towards the A* – 7
11-10-2024 [12xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [12xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [12xBioMOLCG1]
14-10-2024 [13xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [13xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [13xBioMOLCG1]
02:20:03 -
Practice Session ( Monday 14-10-2024 at 9:00 PM )
01:45:39 -
P2 and 4 Movement in and out of cells Final Submission
Paper 6 HW
18-10-2024 [14xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [14xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [14xBioMOLCG1]
21-10-2024 [15xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [15xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [15xBioMOLCG1]
02:16:58 -
Practice Session ( Monday 21-10-2024 at 9:00 PM )
02:15:43 -
P6 HW: Movement in and out of cells
Paper 4 and 2 Biological Molecules
25-10-2024 [16xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [16xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [16xBioMOLCG1]
02:49:01 -
Sorting Life Test submission
Paper 6 HW Food Tests
Paper 4 and 2 Biological Molecules Final
28-10-2024 [17xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [17xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [17xBioMOLCG1]
02:20:57 -
Practice Session ( Monday 28-10-2024 at 9:00 PM )
01:58:56 -
P2 and 4 Enzymes Submission
P6 Notes 1 CW
Sorting Life Investigations Booklet
01-11-2024 [18xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [18xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [18xBioMOLCG1]
02:32:37 -
Paper 6 HW: Mindmaps
Sorting Life Classified Mark Scheme
Biological Molecules Quiz
04-11-2024 [19xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [19xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [19xBioMOLCG1]
02:26:20 -
Practice Session ( Monday 04-11-2024 at 8:00 PM )
01:17:57 -
Biotechnology P4 & 2 hw submission
08-11-2024 [20xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [20xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [20xBioMOLCG1]
02:34:13 -
The greenery within notes
Plant Nutrition Hw 1
11-11-2024 [21xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [21xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [21xBioMOLCG1]
02:15:36 -
Practice Session ( Monday 11-11-2024 at 8:00 PM )
01:58:06 -
Greenery Within MS part 1
Sorting Life Test 2
15-11-2024 [22xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [22xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [22xBioMOLCG1]
18-11-2024 [23xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [23xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [23xBioMOLCG1]
02:18:42 -
Practice Session ( Monday 18-11-2024 at 9:00 PM )
01:55:39 -
Mock 1
Plant Nutrition Final hw
22-11-2024 [24xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [24xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [24xBioMOLCG1]
02:27:30 -
Line Graph CW and HW
P6 Quick Fix Flash cards (1)
25-11-2024 [25xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [25xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [25xBioMOLCG1]
02:25:01 -
Practice Session ( Monday 25-11-2024 at 8:00 PM )
02:11:11 -
Transport in plants hw 1
Plant Nutrition Quiz
29-11-2024 [26xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [26xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [26xBioMOLCG1]
02-12-2024 [27xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [27xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [27xBioMOLCG1]
02:21:35 -
Practice Session ( Monday 02-12-2024 at 8:00 PM )
01:46:18 -
Tropism hw p2&4
06-12-2024 [28xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [28xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [28xBioMOLCG1]
02:44:47 -
Greenery within MS part 2
Paper 6 Materials (Tables, The Greenery Within Practical)
09-12-2024 [29xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [29xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [29xBioMOLCG1]
02:18:32 -
Practice Session ( Monday 9-12-2024 at 8:00 PM )
01:40:15 -
Reproduction in plants hw
13-12-2024 [30xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [30xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [30xBioMOLCG1]
02:19:41 -
A Glance into Human Life
16-12-2024 [31xBioMOLCG1] (copy)
Payment [31xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [31xBioMOLCG1]
02:04:17 -
Practice Session ( Monday 16-12-2024 at 8:00 PM )
02:39:08 -
Greenery within Mock
Paper 6 HW1 Exam
paper 6 Exam 1 CW
16-12-2024 [31xBioMOLCG1] (copy)
Payment [31xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [31xBioMOLCG1]
02:04:17 -
Practice Session ( Monday 16-12-2024 at 8:00 PM )
02:39:08 -
Greenery within Mock
Paper 6 HW1 Exam
paper 6 Exam 1 CW
16-12-2024 [31xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [31xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [31xBioMOLCG1]
02:04:17 -
Practice Session ( Monday 16-12-2024 at 8:00 PM )
02:39:08 -
Greenery within Mock
Paper 6 HW1 Exam
paper 6 Exam 1 CW
20-12-2024 [32xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [32xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [32xBioMOLCG1]
23-12-2024 [33xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [33xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [33xBioMOLCG1]
Practice Session ( Monday 23-12-2024 at 8:00 PM )
27-12-2024 [34xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [34xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [34xBioMOLCG1]
30-12-2024 [35xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [35xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [35xBioMOLCG1]
03-01-2025 [36xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [36xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [36xBioMOLCG1]
06-01-2025 [37xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [37xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [37xBioMOLCG1]
10-01-2025 [38xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [38xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [38xBioMOLCG1]
13-01-2025 [39xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [39xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x99BioMOLCG1]
00:13 -
Live+Recorded Session [39xBioMOLCG1]
17-01-2025 [40xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [40xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x100BioMOLCG1]
03:38:10 -
Live+Recorded Session [40xBioMOLCG1]
Human influences part 1
02:36:05 -
Human influences part 2
20-01-2025 [41xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [41xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [41xBioMOLCG1]
24-01-2025 [42xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x102BioMOLCG1]
Payment [42xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [42xBioMOLCG1]
27-01-2025 [43xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x103BioMOLCG1]
Payment [43xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [43xBioMOLCG1]
31-01-2025 [44xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x104BioMOLCG1]
Payment [44xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x104BioMOLCG1]
02:22:14 -
Live+Recorded Session [44xBioMOLCG1]
03-02-2025 [45xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x105BioMOLCG1]
Payment [45xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x105BioMOLCG1]
02:48:22 -
Live+Recorded Session [45xBioMOLCG1]
07-02-2025 [46xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x106BioMOLCG1]
Practice Session ( Friday 24-03-2023 at 2:30 PM )
Payment [46xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [46xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x106BioMOLCG1]
10-02-2025 [47xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x107BioMOLCG1]
Payment [47xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x107BioMOLCG1]
02:41:39 -
Live+Recorded Session [47xBioMOLCG1]
14-02-2025 [48xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x108BioMOLCG1]
Payment [48xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [48xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x108BioMOLCG1]
17-02-2025 [49xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x109BioMOLCG1]
Payment [49xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [49xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x109BioMOLCG1]
21-02-2025 [50xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x110BioMOLCG1]
Payment [50xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x110BioMOLCG1]
02:43:22 -
Live+Recorded Session [50xBioMOLCG1]
24-02-2025 [51xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x111BioMOLCG1]
Payment [51xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x111BioMOLCG1]
02:13:15 -
Live+Recorded Session [51xBioMOLCG1]
28-02-2025 [52xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x112BioMOLCG1]
Payment [52xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [52xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x112BioMOLCG1]
03-03-2025 [53xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x113BioMOLCG1]
Payment [53xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x113BioMOLCG1]
02:18:49 -
Live+Recorded Session [53xBioMOLCG1]
07-03-2025 [54xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x114BioMOLCG1]
Payment [54xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [54xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x114BioMOLCG1]
10-03-2025 [55xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x115BioMOLCG1]
Payment [55xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [55xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x115BioMOLCG1]
14-03-2025 [56xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x116BioMOLCG1]
Payment [56xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x116BioMOLCG1]
01:59:30 -
Live+Recorded Session [56xBioMOLCG1]
17-03-2025 [57xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x117BioMOLCG1]
Payment [57xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [57xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x117BioMOLCG1]
21-03-2025 [58xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x118BioMOLCG1]
Payment [58xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x118BioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [58xBioMOLCG1]
24-03-2025 [59xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [x119BioMOLCG1]
Payment [59xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [x119BioMOLCG1]
02:48:06 -
Live+Recorded Session [59xBioMOLCG1]
28-03-2025 [60xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [60xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [60xBioMOLCG1]
31-03-2025 [61xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [61xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [61xBioMOLCG1]
04-04-2025 [62xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [62xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [62xBioMOLCG1]
07-04-2025 [63xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [63xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [63xBioMOLCG1]
11-04-2025 [64xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [64xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [64xBioMOLCG1]
14-04-2025 [65xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [65xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [65xBioMOLCG1]
18-04-2025 [66xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [66xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [66xBioMOLCG1]
21-04-2025 [67xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [67xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [67xBioMOLCG1]
25-04-2025 [68xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [68xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [68xBioMOLCG1]
28-04-2025 [69xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [69xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [69xBioMOLCG1]
02-05-2025 [70xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [70xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [70xBioMOLCG1]
05-05-2025 [71xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [71xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [71xBioMOLCG1]
09-05-2025 [72xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [72xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [72xBioMOLCG1]
12-05-2025 [73xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [73xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [73xBioMOLCG1]
16-05-2025 [74xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [74xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [74xBioMOLCG1]
19-05-2025 [75xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [75xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [75xBioMOLCG1]
23-05-2025 [76xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [76xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [76xBioMOLCG1]
26-05-2025 [77xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [77xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [77xBioMOLCG1]
30-05-2025 [78xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [78xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [78xBioMOLCG1]
02-06-2025 [79xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [79xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [79xBioMOLCG1]
06-06-2025 [80xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [80xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [80xBioMOLCG1]
09-06-2025 [81xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [81xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [81xBioMOLCG1]
13-06-2025 [82xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [82xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [82xBioMOLCG1]
16-06-2025 [83xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [83xBioMOLCG1]
00:00 -
Live+Recorded Session [83xBioMOLCG1]
20-06-2025 [84xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [84xBioMOLCG1]
00:00 -
Live+Recorded Session [84xBioMOLCG1]
23-06-2025 [85xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [85xBioMOLCG1]
00:00 -
Live+Recorded Session [85xBioMOLCG1]
27-06-2025 [86xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [86xBioMOLCG1]
00:00 -
Live+Recorded Session [86xBioMOLCG1]
30-06-2025 [87xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [87xBioMOLCG1]
00:00 -
Live+Recorded Session [87xBioMOLCG1]
04-07-2025 [88xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [88xBioMOLCG1]
00:00 -
Live+Recorded Session [88xBioMOLCG1]
07-07-2025 [89xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [89xBioMOLCG1]
00:00 -
Live+Recorded Session [89xBioMOLCG1]
11-07-2025 [90xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [90xBioMOLCG1]
00:00 -
Live+Recorded Session [90xBioMOLCG1]
14-07-2025 [91xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [91xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [91xBioMOLCG1]
18-07-2025 [92xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [92xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [92xBioMOLCG1]
21-07-2025 [93xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [93xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [93xBioMOLCG1]
25-07-2025 [94xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [94xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [94xBioMOLCG1]
28-07-2025 [95xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [95xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [95xBioMOLCG1]
01-08-2025 [96xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [96xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [96xBioMOLCG1]
04-08-2025 [97xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [97xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [97xBioMOLCG1]
08-08-2025 [98xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [98xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [98xBioMOLCG1]
11-08-2025 [99xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [99xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [99xBioMOLCG1]
16-08-2025 [100xBioMOLCG1]
Payment [100xBioMOLCG1]
Live+Recorded Session [100xBioMOLCG1]